SHORTS: My next guest…

I love Dave Leterman’s “My next guest needs no introduction”. It is so intelligent. Every episode makes me think, but latest one… It made me feel. This time Leterman went to Ukraine. To see and talk to president Zełenski.

That talk was in fact nothing special. Just talk, about presidents everyday life. It just so happens there’s a war there. And I have watched this man – this normal person so easy to like, to love, to admire and tears came to my eyes.

Ukraine is just behind the border. Not far. So many Ukrainians here. The war is just around the corner , but it’s not here. We can see and feel some of what it brings, but it is not here. War is there.

So I watched with those tears because I realized we do not have president Zełenski here. If they brake, if war comes through that border we won’t have someone to lead us, fight for us, fight with us. No one to look up to. We will have to do everything alone as always.

It’s such a luck they have him.